OK, so i need some advice.
I have a best friend. Someone I've known since i was about 15 or so. We've been through quite a bit of **** since our friendship first started. We both dated two girls in high school that were best friends as well, and we went on double dates to prom and homecoming alike. I broke up with my highschool girlfriend shortly before me senior year of high school. My friend was dating that same girl for about 3 years after i graduated.
So we have been through alot of stuff in this short time.
He met a girl on the internet, about a year ago. Me and him got into some bullshit during the first part of his relationship with her and i didn't talk to him for about 6 months. (this happens more often than you'd think.)
I didn't really think much of her when i first saw her. (Meaning, i acknowledged her, but that's about it)
He moved into a house with her eventually, and i was a regular visitor at his house. We (Me my friend and his girl) would meet there to go out to the bars/clubs or what not.
After a while, i began to notice her more.
Once while my friend was away, after we went out, i was in his house with her. We were both sitting on differant couches and i started talking to her about random things of no consequence to anyone. Bullshit, really. We talked for about 30 minuets, Non stop talking about things i never knew she even knew about. Hobbies that i like a so forth.
In that 30 minuets, I have never talked to a woman as well as i have talked to her. It was simply amazing. After i left his place, i sat at my apartment just thinking what had happened. I couldn't believe we had hit it off like that, on one of the first conversations i had ever had with her.
I had a few more of these awesome talks with her periodically, and even have had one recently with her.
One of the main things that gets me is that she really isn't the best looking chick around. My friend has always been the guy to get the less attractive woman. I'm not insulting him, i just don't know how else to put it. But as soon as this talk with her had occurred, it seemed as if i would find things about her physical appearance more attractive every time i see her.
I do know that she has some feeling towards me, and i have the same towards her, but it has never been acted on by any of us.
So basically I'm stuck wondering what i should do.
If anyone has had a similar thing happen to them, please post your thoughts! I would love to hear them!My best friends girl.?
Bros before hos. 'Nuff said.My best friends girl.?
Same thing happened to my brother
eventually the girl is going to come on to you
your bestfriend is going to findout and thats going to go bad
if you really love your bestfriend and care about him
stay away from the girl
Seems like you two like to **** eachothers girlfriends something me and my homies never do unless theyre girls we dont care for
Go for it
If he's your ';best friend'; or even just a good friend, you wouldn't do anything unless you want to jeopardize your friendship between you and him.
If you think she is worth going after by risking your friendship (and if you do go after, I'm 100% sure that you WILL end your friendship with your buddy), then go for it.
But if I were you, I'd pick my good buddy. You don't even know what's gonna happen if you do end up going out with her; you might break up in a few weeks, a couple months, etc. You really can end your friendship for that kind of uncertainty? I wouldn't.
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